Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vignettes: The Art of Display

When it comes to decorating, the final touches matter very much. Usually, filling empty places with inspiring items is what completes the room. After all the major pieces of furniture are in place, you have bare spaces such as your walls and table tops, mantels, bookshelves, etc, that will hold some of your precious collectibles, keepsakes, candles or whatever pieces that inspire you. It is an art to be able to display these pieces in a cohesive way without looking dreadfully cluttered.You create pretty vignettes around the space which invoke the feeling you want for that particular space. It is truly an art.

Here are few pointers when it comes to creating vignettes:

a.) Stick with your color scheme

b.) It's best to work in odd numbers. It is more visually appealing to display items this way. Don't put just 2 items on a shelf or table because 1 or 3 look better and so forth. 

c.) Stagger your items by height with tallest in the back or on the side. You can work your height down from the back or from the sides toward the center or even from one side to the other.

d.) Step back every few minutes to see how it looks and adjust as needed.

e.) Have fun being creative!

Look through these vignettes below to see if these 'rules' were used.
I hope you find the images inspiring and as you look at the room around you, if your like me, you will want to get up and redecorate a mantel or tabletop after looking at these, just like watching an episode of Hoarders makes me want to clean!

   *a stack of books would count as 1 item.

Source: via Becky on Pinterest

Source: via Alana on Pinterest

Source: via Sheila on Pinterest

Source: via Tanya on Pinterest

Source: via Joelle on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: None via Krystal on Pinterest

Source: via Sole on Pinterest

Source: via Anna on Pinterest

Vignettes make a space yours. There are no two alike. They display your loves, your personality.
I will soon have a Vignette sharing day where you wonderful readers can share picks of your own creative displays. Details coming soon! So, go clear off that dusty bookshelf and rearrange and display!

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